Pure Gym Limited

Chocolate Orange Protein Flapjacks

Our new homemade Chocolate Orange Protein Flapjacks are a convenient way of getting a protein hit on the go, but without the hefty price tag.

At only 56p per flapjack they are only a fraction of the price of ready-made protein bars, which are often packed with hidden additives and preservatives.

Not only do our homemade protein flapjacks taste incredible, but they are great for a post workout protein pick-me-up with 23g of protein, 21g carbohydrates and only 10g of fat.

A batch is super simple to make, only takes approximately 25 minutes and makes 10 bars in total. They are ideal for bulk prepping ready for a busy week… but the only problem is hiding them from your family and friends. They taste too good to share!


  • 300g oats
  • 200g chocolate whey protein powder
  • 120g peanut butter
  • 100ml sugar free maple syrup
  • 60ml semi skimmed milk
  • ½ orange zested


  1. Preheat your oven to 160c
  2. Mix all the ingredients together in a large mixing bowl
  3. Line a square baking tray with baking parchment and add the flapjack mix, flattening gently until the mixture is evenly spread across the tray
  4. Place into the oven for 12 - 15 mins and then leave to cool
  5. Once the protein flapjacks are cool, cut into 10 slices and store in an airtight container for up to a week
  6. Optional: For an added bit of flavour drizzle your protein flapjacks with a small amount of melted dark chocolate and sprinkle with orange zest.

For more healthy, nutritious and high protein recipes check out our recipe page.

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